The Life After Podcast
Conversations with Courageous People Deconstructing Christian Beliefs | Brady Hardin interviews guests about their faith deconstruction, unraveling religious indoctrination, spiritual abuse experiences, religious trauma, the rebuilding of a personal community after leaving Christian Fundamentalism, and much more.

Monday Jan 13, 2020
Monday Jan 13, 2020
Ronna Russell joins Chuck and Brady to discuss her life after strict Pentecostalism and oppressive Purity Culture. Her saucy memoir, The Uncomfortable Confessions Of a Preacher's Kid, tells her story of not fitting into Christian culture's idea of what a woman should be and how she found her true self instead.
The episode begins with advice on how to safely set-up a sexual encounter through an app and other advice for those dipping their toes into the sexual waters. Episode ends with practice guidelines for writing about your experience when it includes harmful actions from family members.
Connect with Ronna and buy her book at
CW: Some mentions of sexual abuse
Bookended with music by Nightlightr (CDBaby, iTunes, and Spotify) | Find links for The Life After Community (our secret Facebook group), subscribing, rating, and/or reviewing on iTunes here:

Wednesday Dec 11, 2019
Black Nonbelievers (Religious Family x Black Church Culture) with Elle Reneé
Wednesday Dec 11, 2019
Wednesday Dec 11, 2019
Elle Reneé of St. Louis Chapter of Black Nonbelievers joins Chuck and Brady in the studio.
Elle's step father was a pastor for multiple churches of varying denominations and current pastor of a nondenominational church, and some of their church services would go all day long. All of this made church a very foundational part of Elle's childhood. Along with the good side of closely-knit church communities also brought the bad, including lot of unwanted touch.
Elle got married during the same week she graduated high school and turned 18. After two failed marriages, she learned to stand up for herself. As she started to pull away from the faith, many church people would report back to her family. She set boundaries to protect herself and hasn't looked back since.
Chuck and Elle share experiences of being People of Color, and in the finale segment, Brady and Elle discuss parenting after religion.
Elle is the Chief Organizer of the St. Louis Chapter of Black Nonbelievers, a friendly, informative secular community connecting People of Color (and allies). Learn more on their website,
Bookended with music by Nightlightr (CDBaby, iTunes, and Spotify) | Find links for The Life After Community (our secret Facebook group), subscribing, rating, and/or reviewing on iTunes here:

Wednesday Nov 27, 2019
Ambiguous Loss (Grieving x Counseling) with Janice Selbie
Wednesday Nov 27, 2019
Wednesday Nov 27, 2019
Counselor ("counsellor" for the Canucks) Janice Selbie joins Chuck and Brady for a insightful, practical conversation on grieving God.
Janice came from a ultra-Fundamentalism background that became hyper-charged after marrying her now ex-husband. While working at a bookstore, she befriended a group of Mennonite (Anabaptist) women and began wearing head coverings like they did out of a obedience to the Bible.
Around the time of her divorce, Janice encountered traumas that shook her from her cognitive dissonance, and she left the faith. Next, she pursued a counselor degree, met Dr. Marlene Winell, and now specializes in freeing people from the mental grips of Fundamentalism.
In this episode, Janice shares practical ways to recover from religion healthily, the importance of rituals to symbolize the end of one's Fundamentalism, and how cognitive behavioral therapy can be very useful.
Janice is organizing the first-of-its-kind Conference on Religious Trauma in Vancouver from April 24-26, 2020.
Visit to learn more! Learn about Janice's online workshop, Divorcing Religion at
Bookended with music by Nightlightr (CDBaby, iTunes, and Spotify) | Find links for The Life After Community (our secret Facebook group), subscribing, rating, and/or reviewing on iTunes here:

Wednesday Oct 30, 2019
Dying Out Loud (ALS x Secular Fortitude) with Dave Warnock
Wednesday Oct 30, 2019
Wednesday Oct 30, 2019
Dave Warnock shares with Chuck and Brady about facing his mortality after leaving Christianity and being diagnosed with ALS/Lou Gehrig's disease. He's creating new meaningful relationships and learning to savor the moments of life as an Atheist.
They also discuss the pretzels they twisted themselves in to justify Biblical language, whether Dave's illness would make him want to go back, Christians who gaslight by saying people who left weren't really Christians, and finding new community that will last until the end.
Episode begins with Chuck addressing a common issue people leaving dogma face, the lingering fear of hell. Stepping away from religion doesn't alway get rid of the conditioned anxiety and fear of eternal punishment, but Chuck lays out a compelling case for dismissing that concern by using the Bible. You won't want to miss it.
Dave is touring from secular group to humanist church to speak on his life motto of "Carpe Fucking Diem." The juxtaposition of his inspirational outlook and somber situation is allowing many to see how people without belief in God can face mortality with unflinching optimism, sensibility, and humor --- surrounded by people who love them (and don't have an agenda).
Keep up with Dave here: | Support Dave here:
Episode Content Warning: lots of language, death, Bible verses
Bookended with music by Nightlightr (CDBaby, iTunes, and Spotify) | Find links for The Life After Community (our secret Facebook group), subscribing, rating, and/or reviewing on iTunes here:

Tuesday Oct 08, 2019
Unloose (Queer x Creativity) with Nightlightr
Tuesday Oct 08, 2019
Tuesday Oct 08, 2019
Nightlightr (Leighton Pustejovsky, rap artist) cuts loose with Chuck and Brady about leaving Christian Fundamentalism after decades of repressing his homosexuality. The three discuss how they had reframed their sexualities to fit within the faith and how discussions on the "unchanging" characteristics of God didn't fit their experiences.
Leighton masterfully wrote (and produced) a rap album that nails deconstruction and living honestly as gay.
Find Unloose by Nightlightr now on CDBaby, iTunes and Spotify.
CW: Description of sexual assault (non-violent)
Connect with the Life After Podcast & Community here:

Tuesday Sep 17, 2019
Many Love (Polyamory x Authenticity) with Katelyn Boyles
Tuesday Sep 17, 2019
Tuesday Sep 17, 2019
Some people don't fit into the boxes. Katelyn Boyles (she/them/he) joins Chuck and Brady to tell their story of self-discovery after living in a home plagued by rigid Fundamentalism. Now married and practicing ethical polyamory, Katelyn encapsulates the importance of living with authenticity.
Connect with the Life After Podcast & Community here:

Thursday Aug 29, 2019
Thursday Aug 29, 2019
Katie and Joe Bauer, married and newly-deconstructing, join Chuck and Brady to discuss campus ministries, speaking in tongues, questioning the faith, critically examining if they were brainwashed, not wanting to lose their faith, doubling down on doubt with service, the complex feelings of realizing Fundamentalism isn't real, and how deconstruction has touched their marriage.
Here is a link to the Reddit Post mentioned in the show:
Find Katie and Joe's podcast, Born Again Again, where they discuss their deconversion as it's happening here:
Find links for The Life After Community (our secret Facebook group), subscribing, rating, and/or reviewing on iTunes here:

Tuesday Jul 30, 2019
Parenting Forward (Raising Kids x Ethical Values) with Cindy Wang Brandt
Tuesday Jul 30, 2019
Tuesday Jul 30, 2019
Cindy Wang Brandt, author of Parenting Forward, joins the show to discuss how deconstructing parents can pass values to their children without relying on fear and indoctrination.
Find out more about Cindy's work, including her book and podcast, on her website,
Connect with the Life After Podcast & Community here:
Special Show Note:
We apologize to our friend, Chrissy Stroop, for using the incorrect pronouns in the last episode. Since we had recorded the episode in May, Chrissy has begun transitioning and prefers she/her pronouns. At the time of the recording, they/them were preferred.
We fully support and affirm Chrissy. Read more about her inspiring journey here:
Find links for The Life After Community (our secret Facebook group), subscribing, rating, and/or reviewing on iTunes here:

Thursday Jul 18, 2019
Everyone‘s Agnostic (Ex-Pastor x Rebuilding Community) with Cass Midgley
Thursday Jul 18, 2019
Thursday Jul 18, 2019
Cass Midgley, former pastor and a host of Everyone's Agnostic Podcast, joins Chuck and Brady to discuss his faith deconstruction, how he found his co-host, blind spots developed from being brought up in Patriarchy, turning from Presbyterian to Baptist, the slippery slopes of allowing yourself to examine doubts, and rebuilding of community."Mark Driscoll is the Dane Cook of the Evangelicalism."CW: Brady sings the AWANA theme. And lots of F-bombs.
Find links for The Life After Community (our secret Facebook group), subscribing, rating, and/or reviewing on iTunes here:

Wednesday Jun 26, 2019
Lost in Translation (Bible Translation Industry x Being Free to Love) with Doug Demick
Wednesday Jun 26, 2019
Wednesday Jun 26, 2019
Doug Demick joins Chuck and Brady to discuss his past with Wycliffe Bible Translators, not wanting to preach the Gospel as a Christian, rapture anxiety, marriage while deconstructing, his brush with missions, being more free to love people post-fundamentalism, and how seeking the Holy Spirit and FreeCell Solitaire led to his exit from Fundamentalism.
Episode begins with Brady explaining why Heaven and Hell would be an absolute administrative nightmare.
Find links for The Life After Community (our secret Facebook group), subscribing, rating, and/or reviewing on iTunes here: