The Life After Podcast
Conversations with Courageous People Deconstructing Christian Beliefs | Brady Hardin interviews guests about their faith deconstruction, unraveling religious indoctrination, spiritual abuse experiences, religious trauma, the rebuilding of a personal community after leaving Christian Fundamentalism, and much more.

Tuesday Sep 19, 2017
Enough (Domestic Violence x Mental Health) with Ashley Adams
Tuesday Sep 19, 2017
Tuesday Sep 19, 2017
Trigger warning: Episode touches on domestic abuse (and begins with a John Piper audio clip).
Ashley Adams is a strong woman. She has overcome a lot including growing up with Brady, navigating youth group with undiagnosed depression and anxiety, the loss of her mother, domestic abuse, divorce, and more. She joins hosts Brady Hardin and Chuck Parson to tell her brave story of how she had enough and fought back hard for her own happiness and fulfillment.
This episode mentions domestic abuse without going into detail. If you are being abused by your partner, know there is nothing you have done or are doing to cause the abuse. It is solely the choice of the abuser. It may seem impossible to leave, change your circumstances, or reach out and ask for help you need, but it is possible. However, you know your abuser best, so think carefully through your situation and circumstances and do what is the best for you.
If you are in immediate danger, call 9-1-1.
For anonymous, confidential help, 24/7, please call the National Domestic Violence Hotline at 1-800-799-7233 (SAFE) or 1-800-787-3224 (TTY).
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Thursday Sep 07, 2017
Get Out of My Head (Inner Dialog x Sexual Discovery) with Renée
Thursday Sep 07, 2017
Thursday Sep 07, 2017
NSFW Warning: The episode ends with two, wonderfully NSFW stories from Renée’s deconstruction story archives about her exploration of sexuality.
Our hilarious, mutual friend, Renée, joins us in the studio to reflect on the indoctrination she experienced growing up as a precocious, thoughtful child. We talk about the fears we had as Christian children and how we grew as we left Church culture in the areas of sexuality, social justice, and more. We discuss the regrets we have by making decisions that were heavily influenced by a faith we no longer hold on to and how the ripples of those decisions still affect us. This episode describes the mindf*ck so many people encounter as they work on ridding themselves of indoctrination.
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Thursday Aug 24, 2017
Conversion Therapy Dropout (Shame x Family Pressure) with Curtis G.
Thursday Aug 24, 2017
Thursday Aug 24, 2017
Curtis G. joins Brady and Chuck to discuss this family’s efforts of “fixing” him by sending him to conversion therapy. He reads from his notes, followed by how he recovered, accepting who he is.
This episode was recorded on the one day that major Christian leader, Eugene Peterson was thought to have come out as pro-gay marriage. The episode ends with Brady’s reflection on the aftermath of that announcement and almost immediate retraction.
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Friday Aug 11, 2017
Out of Control (Church Control x Personal Autonomy) with Kristen H.
Friday Aug 11, 2017
Friday Aug 11, 2017
Kristen retells her story of moving across the nation to join a religious community that eroded away her freedoms. After bouncing back from rock bottom, Kristen tells of how she got her life back.
Also, Brady and Kristen reflect on their horrible date from over a decade ago, on which he tried (and failed) to hold her hand in a Wal-mart parking lot.
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Thursday Jul 20, 2017
Black and White Thinking (Evangelicalism x Racism) with Prisca Jebet Kendagor
Thursday Jul 20, 2017
Thursday Jul 20, 2017
Prisca was brought up in white, Christian suburbia. At times, her skin contrasted with the world around her. Chuck and Brady talk to Prisca about her experiences in church and how those events made the way for her exit from evangelical Christianity. The three ask this question: Why does it seem that those who claim to have Holy Spirit orchestrating their lives are historically and generally speaking often the last to accept civil rights?
Also, Brady and Prisca retell how they became friends over the message board for Brady’s former cable, Christian sitcom.
TW: A racial slur is used within the context of a true story.
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Wednesday Jul 12, 2017
It’s Okay Not to Believe (Normalizing Questioning x Personal Evolution) with Caleb Doyle
Wednesday Jul 12, 2017
Wednesday Jul 12, 2017
Caleb Doyle joins Brady and Chuck. Brady was Caleb’s church camp counselor as a kid. The three discuss their shift in politics after leaving the church, and Caleb describes life without a father. Caleb proves that not all exits have to be traumatic to be meaningful.
Also, Chuck oozes his love for end-of-time movies. Again.
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Tuesday Jul 04, 2017
God’s Only Forgotten Son (Family Trauma x Queer) with Brady Hardin
Tuesday Jul 04, 2017
Tuesday Jul 04, 2017
Instead of a regular guest, Chuck interviews Brady, host and founder of The Life After, about his childhood and exit from religion. Brady opens up about his difficult childhood, growing up gay in church, and the spiritual abuse that eventually led to his faith’s demise (but the birth of this podcast).
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Wednesday Jun 21, 2017
Unbuckling The Bible Belt (Intuition x Purity Culture) with Jamie Lee Finch
Wednesday Jun 21, 2017
Wednesday Jun 21, 2017
Brady Hardin and Chuck Parson take the show on the road to Nashville, TN to interview Jamie Lee Finch on the subjects of sexuality, the dangers of Purity Culture, and the downfalls of Patriarchy. Jamie describes how much of her journey after leaving religion involves understanding her body. She gives life-changing advice on how to become a whole person and heal from trauma.
Bonus: Listen to Jamie reading her own original poems throughout the episode.
To learn more about Jamie’s work, follow her on Twitter, @jamieleefinch or visit her website:
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Wednesday Jun 14, 2017
Facing Death Without Faith or Fear (Death x Secular Strength) with Zach B.
Wednesday Jun 14, 2017
Wednesday Jun 14, 2017
Zach B. joins the show to talk about his two close encounters with death. The first was of a friend. The second was his own. Zach discusses his appreciation for his Christian mother’s willingness to sacrifice in order to save his life.
Coming face-to-face with his mortality without his previously-held Evangelical beliefs was not at all what he expected.
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Wednesday May 31, 2017
Homeschooled to Homewrecked (Divorce x Christian Homeschooling) with Marnie K.
Wednesday May 31, 2017
Wednesday May 31, 2017
Hosts, Brady Hardin and Chuck Parson, interview Marnie K., a former member of the same church Brady was kicked out of. Marnie retells her experience of discovering homeschool as an option for her daughter that needed a one-on-one approach to education. Eventually, she was influenced by the church and was given toxic instruction regarding her marriage. She tells her story of coping with mistreatment, divorce, and resiliently fighting for herself and her children.
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