The Life After Podcast
Conversations with Courageous People Deconstructing Christian Beliefs | Brady Hardin interviews guests about their faith deconstruction, unraveling religious indoctrination, spiritual abuse experiences, religious trauma, the rebuilding of a personal community after leaving Christian Fundamentalism, and much more.

Wednesday Aug 09, 2023
What if I’m Thought of That Way? (Fatphobia x Embodiment) with Erin H.
Wednesday Aug 09, 2023
Wednesday Aug 09, 2023
In this episode, Brady and guest Erin discuss fatphobia, eating disorder recovery, and embodiment.
If you'd like to donate to Brady's GoFundMe for expenses related to his family's legal battle and more, please visit or email him at for direct donations or with interview connections. All help is appreciated!
Bookended with music by Nightlightr (CDBaby, iTunes, and Spotify) | Find links for The Life After Community (our secret Facebook group), subscribing, rating, and/or reviewing on iTunes here:

Monday Jul 24, 2023
Monday Jul 24, 2023
After a break lasting over a year and a half, Michelle joins Brady to discuss deconstructing neurodiversity and eating disorder recovery.
If you'd like to donate to Brady's GoFundMe for expenses related to his family's legal battle and more, please visit or email him at for direct donations or with connections to other podcasts.
Bookended with music by Nightlightr (CDBaby, iTunes, and Spotify) | Find links for The Life After Community (our secret Facebook group), subscribing, rating, and/or reviewing on iTunes here:

Friday Dec 24, 2021
Friday Dec 24, 2021
CW: Spiritual, emotional, and physical abuse toward someone who is differently-abled and mention of suicide attempt
Dustin VanDyke (featured on HBO's We're Here Season Two finale) is differently-abled and trans. Dustin was restricted from being themselves while in an abusive home, but now they are free to be who they are while inspiring others who lack representation.
Follow Dustin's YouTube and Facebook.
Bookended with music by Nightlightr (CDBaby, iTunes, and Spotify) | Find links for The Life After Community (our secret Facebook group), subscribing, rating, and/or reviewing on iTunes here:

Thursday Dec 09, 2021
Unbuckling The Bible Belt (Classic Episode Re-Release) with Jamie Lee Finch
Thursday Dec 09, 2021
Thursday Dec 09, 2021
With one more new episode left in 2021, here's a classic episode with Jamie Lee Finch and my former co-host Chuck Parson. Before the new episode, if you're able, check out the Season Two finale of We're Here on HBO. My next guest is Dustin VanDyke and was featured in that episode. You won't want to miss this!
Unbuckling The Bible Belt: Brady Hardin and Chuck Parson takes the show on the road to Nashville, TN to interview Jamie Lee Finch on the subjects of sexuality, the dangers of Purity Culture, and the downfalls of Patriarchy. Jamie describes how much of her journey after leaving religion involves understanding her body. She gives life-changing advice on how to become a whole person and heal from trauma.
Bonus: Listen to Jamie reading her own original poems throughout the episode.
To learn more about Jamie’s work, follow her on Twitter, @jamieleefinch or visit her website:
Find links for The Life After Community (our secret Facebook group), subscribing, rating, and/or reviewing on iTunes here:

Thursday Nov 25, 2021
Thursday Nov 25, 2021
For this very special Thanksgiving episode, my ex-wife Jessi McCracken joins the show to deconstruct her high-pressure charismatic upbringing, the saga of our marriage and divorce, how Purity Culture sets unhealthy relationship expectations, coming out as queer, the life-altering power of therapy, co-parenting while deconstructing, and how chosen families become so important as we evolve into who we truly are.
Our 9-year-old son, Helo, stops by to say hello during the introduction and is my guest spotlighted in this episode's Special Intermission Interview!
Bookended with music by Nightlightr (CDBaby, iTunes, and Spotify) | Find links for The Life After Community (our secret Facebook group), subscribing, rating, and/or reviewing on iTunes here:

Thursday Nov 11, 2021
Know Better (Reason x Mental Health) with Vi La Bianca
Thursday Nov 11, 2021
Thursday Nov 11, 2021
Vi La Bianca (Skeptic Generation co-host) joins Brady to deconstruct reason's relationship with mental health, rapture anxiety, being neurodiverse, and how to set boundaries with people AND beliefs.
With Special Intermission Interview Guest, Sherman the Dog from Adventures in Odyssey.
Find Vi's work with Skeptic Generation at | Follow Vi on Twitter on @AuthorConfusion
Bookended with music by Nightlightr (CDBaby, iTunes, and Spotify) | Find links for The Life After Community (our secret Facebook group), subscribing, rating, and/or reviewing on iTunes here:

Thursday Oct 28, 2021
What Can Be (Queer Theology x Sci-Fi) with Taj M. Smith
Thursday Oct 28, 2021
Thursday Oct 28, 2021
Spiritual and leadership coach Taj M. Smith joins Brady to deconstruct Queer Theology, transitioning, and how his love for sci-fi shapes his outlook of the future. They also discuss the Star Trek Next Generation episode, Darmok.
With Special Intermission Interview Guest, "Angel" from Netflix's Midnight Mass
Find Taj's work here at
Bookended with music by Nightlightr (CDBaby, iTunes, and Spotify) | Find links for The Life After Community (our secret Facebook group), subscribing, rating, and/or reviewing on iTunes here:

Thursday Oct 14, 2021
The Wrong Kind of Woman (Outsider x Spiritual Abuse) with Julianne King
Thursday Oct 14, 2021
Thursday Oct 14, 2021
Julianne King (Poet and old friend of Brady) deconstructs her LIFE AFTER spiritual abuse with intensely manipulative church leaders. A major event occurred while in the youth group and another afterward. Also, Julianne shares her theory about how the musical Cats represents Evangelicalism.
Find Julianne's book of poetry, Bible Belt Revolution, on Amazon
Bookended with music by Nightlightr (CDBaby, iTunes, and Spotify) | Find links for The Life After Community (our secret Facebook group), subscribing, rating, and/or reviewing on iTunes here:

Thursday Sep 30, 2021
You Gotta Let It Flow (Courage x Queerness) with Jamar Rogers
Thursday Sep 30, 2021
Thursday Sep 30, 2021
Singer, Activist Jamar Rogers joins Brady to deconstruct his radiant LIFE AFTER repressing his queerness, receiving a positive HIV diagnosis, appearing on American Idol & The Voice, and learning to silence his inner critic so he could return back to himself.
Jamar shares passionate wisdom on how representing real-life experiences does more for the greater good than advertising for "God."
Get Jamar's single Flow wherever you purchase music | Follow Jamar:📷@jamarrogersofficial 🐦@JSuidward 👍@JamarRogersTheVoice
Bookended with music by Nightlightr (CDBaby, iTunes, and Spotify) | Find links for The Life After Community (our secret Facebook group), subscribing, rating, and/or reviewing on iTunes here:

Thursday Sep 23, 2021
Thursday Sep 23, 2021
Sheri invited me to be on her YouTube Channel, FireSide Creators, alongside Catherine Wilcox, who has an M.A. in English Rhetoric and has researched the role of storytelling as a healing and community-building practice for individuals recovering from religious abuse and trauma.
Here's the audio from that conversation as a special bonus before next Thursday's episode!
Find Sheri's website at and her YouTube channel at
Find links for The Life After Community (our secret Facebook group), subscribing, rating, and/or reviewing on iTunes here: